About BCB-NL

Brain Cognition Behaviour – The Netherlands (BCB-NL)
Who are we?
Brain Cognition Behavior – The Netherlands (BCB-NL) is an umbrella platform between the Dutch associations and networks for research into brain, cognition and behavior.
In this platform we join forces and promote the interests of brain, cognition and behavioral research in the Netherlands and the social issues related to this field.
Who are currently affiliated with BCB-NL?
The following associations or networks are currently affiliated: NWA route NeurolabNL, the Dutch Association for Neuropsychology (NVN), the Dutch Association for Psychonomics (NVP), the Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health (ARPH), the Dutch Association for Behavioral Biology (NVG), Neurofederation, the Dutch Association for Sleep – Wake Research (NSWO), Stress NL, Neurotech-NL, Cognition, the Behavior and Evolution Network (CBEN), the Brain Stimulation Foundation and the Platform Health and Medical Psychology (PGMP).
You can read more about the vision of BCB-NL here.
Official start
The official BCB-NL Start Event took place on November 4th 2020.
Representatives and Co-representatives
NeurolabNL: Andrea Evers, Lydia Krabbendam, Richard van Wezel, Katy de Kogel
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neuropsychologie (NVN): Martine J. E. van Zandvoort, Dymphie In de Braek
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Pychonomie (NVP): Heleen Slagter, Stefan van der Stigchel
Association of researchers in psychology and health (ARPH): Nynke van der Laan, Catharine Evers, Rob Ruiter
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Gedragsbiologie (NVG): Marc Naguib, Ton Groothuis, Jorg Massen
Neurofederatie: Jocelien Oliver
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Slaap- en Waak Onderzoek (NSWO): Ysbrand van der Werf
Stress NL: Erno Hermans
NeuroTech-NL: Ian Cameron
Cognition, Behavior and Evolution Network (CBEN): Mariska Kret
Stichting Hersenstimulatie: Alexander Sack
Platform Gezondheids- en Medische Psychologie (PGMP): Andrea Evers
Would you like to join BCB-NL with your organisation, society or network? Please send an email to Julia Henrich.
If you have any questions about BCB-NL, please contact Julia Henrich.
Photo of the first meeting of BCB-NL