Call Small Projects – FAQ

By |2022-02-17T14:17:38+01:0010 February 2022|

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Do I need a permanent position or tenure track to apply for a project?
No, you don’t need a permanent position. In the NWO-call, the requirement of a permanent position or tenure track is regarding main applicants (‘Hoofdaanvrager’), however, this is the main applicant of the complete proposal, so the three selected projects, that NeurolabNL will submit to NWO. This will be one of the figureheads of NeurolabNL, and will be coupled later to the three selected projects. Applicants of projects of €100.000 to NeurolabNL, are called ‘medeaanvragers’ in the NWO-call.

Do co-applicants also need to be early-career researchers?
Yes, for co-applicants the same requirement apply as for applicants, but not for collaboration partners.

How much material budget can I apply for?
Per fte postdoc position that is applied for in the project (or per 0.2 fte scientific staff of HBO, education institution other than University/UMC or other organisation), a maximum of €15.000 per year material costs can be applied for. This covers costs for e.g. data acquisition, use of datasets, datamanagement, project-related travel costs, etc. For more requirements, please refer to the table in section 3.2, and section 7.1 in the NWO-call for explanation of the budget modules.

Can I use budget for salary of a tenure track or assistant-professor?
Unfortunately not, within this call NWO will only fund salary of postdocs, non-scientific staff (e.g., student assistant, analyst), and scientific staff of HBO, education institution other than University/UMC or other organisation.

The application form contains more sections than the research idea of 200 words. Do I have to fill out everything?
Yes, we need that information to do the initial conformity check of applications. At the initial stage, however, estimations are sufficient (for example on budget), and they can be fine-tuned later in the final proposal.

Call Small Projects – FAQ

By |2022-02-17T14:16:55+01:0010 February 2022|

If your question is not listed below, please send an email to

Do I need a permanent position or tenure track to apply for a project?
No, you don’t need a permanent position. In the NWO-call, the requirement of a permanent position or tenure track is regarding main applicants (‘Hoofdaanvrager’), however, this is the main applicant of the complete proposal, so the three selected projects, that NeurolabNL will submit to NWO. This will be one of the figureheads of NeurolabNL, and will be coupled later to the three selected projects. Applicants of projects of €100.000 to NeurolabNL, are called ‘medeaanvragers’ in the NWO-call.

Do co-applicants also need to be early-career researchers?
Yes, for co-applicants the same requirement apply as for applicants, but not for collaboration partners.

How much material budget can I apply for?
Per fte postdoc position that is applied for in the project (or per 0.2 fte scientific staff of HBO, education institution other than University/UMC or other organisation), a maximum of €15.000 per year material costs can be applied for. This covers costs for e.g. data acquisition, use of datasets, datamanagement, project-related travel costs, etc. For more requirements, please refer to the table in section 3.2, and section 7.1 in the NWO-call for explanation of the budget modules.

Can I use budget for salary of a tenure track or assistant-professor?
Unfortunately not, within this call NWO will only fund salary of postdocs, non-scientific staff (e.g., student assistant, analyst), and scientific staff of HBO, education institution other than University/UMC or other organisation.

The application form contains more sections than the research idea of 200 words. Do I have to fill out everything?
Yes, we need that information to do the initial conformity check of applications. At the initial stage, however, estimations are sufficient (for example on budget), and they can be fine-tuned later in the final proposal.

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