NeuroLabNL invites you to apply for the NeuroLabNL Small Projects funding. This is part of the Small Projects for NWA routes 21/22 of NWO. NeuroLabNL will select 3 small research projects for funding of €100.000 each. Early career researchers (from postdoc level) who experienced a large impact of Covid-19 (for example because of having small children at home during the pandemic or other limiting circumstances) are specifically invited to apply.
The projects should be fundamental research in line with the NeuroLabNL goals and ambitions (see the research agenda NeuroLabNL). The research should currently or in the future connect to a practical issue and be associated with one of the NeuroLabNL themes.
Deadline for application of a project to NeuroLabNL is February 21, 2022. Here we ask applicants to write an abstract with the research idea of maximum 200 words, using the provided application form.
For more information about application and the selection procedure, see the call from NeurolabNL. The overarching NWO call can be found on the NWO website.
If you have questions, see the FAQ page, or send an email to