BCBNL is organizing together with YoungNeurolab.nl a new event “Dutch Brain Cognition and Behavior Day: Current state, challenges, and future perspectives of BCB research in NL” in Utrecht (Social Impact Factory, Vredenburg 40, 3511BD). Mark your calendars for Wednesday, March 26th, 2025.

Fundamental research into brain cognition and behavior is essential for unraveling the complexities of how we think, feel, and interact with the world. Understanding the neural and psychological mechanisms that drive our behavior – on multiple different scales of organization – provides the foundations for developing targeted treatments for brain-related disorders and sheds light on the on the underlying mechanisms of individual differences in behavior. Yet, fundamental research is under treat, as (public) funding is shifting towards short-term milestones and immediate clinical or commercial application, while the fundamental research road is long.

Join us to talk about the present and future of BCB research in the Netherlands, the road behind us and where wo go from here.

Morning program

9:30-9:45      Reception

9:45-10:00   Introduction to BCBNL & Young Neurolab (Eliana Vassene & Michiel van Elk)

10:00-10:45  Keynote Lecture Eveline Crone

10.45-11.45 Plenary Discussion

  • Suzanne Dickson president of EBC
  • Hoofdzaken Marie Jose van Tol
  • Richard van Wezel
  • Eveline Crone

11:45-12:00 coffee break

12:00-12:45 Brainstorm / break-out groups

  • Strengthening the BCBNL network: plans and vision
  • White paper on the importance of fundamental research on brain and cognition
  • Funding opportunities and agencies in the Netherlands

12:45-13:00 Wrap-up

13:00-14:00 Lunch

Afternoon program for early career researcher (organized by Young Neurolab) 

14.00 – 15.30 Personal stories

15.30 – 17.00 Parallel workshops

17.00 – 18.00 Networking borrel